Of course, I'm making a presumption — setting a prerequisite, if you will — that you're currently reading the comic, or have read it in the not-too-distant past. Also, I advise that you have your copy of the book handy as you read these posts. (I'm going to cite page numbers and panels far more than I'll be scanning and posting artwork.) While spoiler warnings naturally apply, I'm going to endeavor to approach my chapter comments as if I'm chatting entirely with "Watchmen" virgins, so as not to ruin revelations that don't occur until later. (Those of us in the know can comment on any given chapter's chapter's foreshadowing further on, as the story's various fragments begin to connect with increasing potency.) I ask that everyone here observe the same guidelines by writing spoiler-free comments. After all, the uninitiated should be able to discover on their own how the Comedian never got over the loss of his childhood sleigh.
I'd love to leap right into Chapter I now, but as it happens, it's already mid-afternoon on this sunny Presidents' Day Monday — and I've got to be downtown by 6 pm to watch ... well, you can guess what I'm watching. Yes, it's an early press screening. I'm sure I'll be sworn to secrecy, but I will post my general impressions here, later this week (after I file my article with my editor). Will my cautious optimism be rewarded? Are the various people tangentially affiliated with the film (Dave Gibbons included) being sincere in their recent praise and admiration of Zack Snyder's artistry, or are they blowing buzz-creating smoke? We'll know soon enough.
Hey - I'm so excited to dig in. I'm not a Watchmen virgin, but it has been so long I have forgotten most of the story so I appreciate the chance to re-read before seeing the movie. I hope I can hold out until I re-finish the book. I am, however, a blog reading virgin, but glad to finally dig into this territory. I didn't know to start at the bottom, have figured it out. I look forward to the adventure.